Back Surgery was his only option until he found the revolutionary non-surgical method of treatment at QI Spine Clinic
Past Admins, 6 years ago
Why is a second opinion so important when it comes to severe Back pain?
Dilip Ahuja a 57-year-old Army Officer
had been leading a healthy active life which included regular golf and long walks. But a year back it all came to a halt when he started experiencing severe
lower back pain. Within 6 months pain and numbness had not only gripped his lower back, but he also started experiencing shooting pains down his left thigh. His first medical consult resulted in an MRI and X-Ray prescription that showed a
Disc Bulge and nerve compression.
Battling increasing pain every day, he frantically looked for options to relieve the pain after painkillers were proving ineffective. A consultation with a senior Orthopedic led him to be prescribed surgery. Frustrated with his options, he started slipping into depression. Alarmed by his deteriorating health, his family reached out to their friends for advice.
Another army officer who had suffered from a similar condition came down to meet him and advised him to seek a second opinion from a Spine Specialist at the QI Back & Spine Clinic. Unlike other parts of the body, the spine is a very complex structure and hence arriving at a clear diagnosis can be challenging. Effective treatment can only be advised after a clear diagnosis is made. It is a medical fact today that over 60% of
back pain cases do not show up a clear diagnosis.
A multi-disciplinary approach to diagnosis is absolutely essential when it comes to the spine. Imaging tests tell an incomplete story as it is crucial to test spine function as well. Dilip underwent a Spine function test (
DSA) which revealed a poor mechanical (muscular) structure. He was advised non-surgical treatment which isolated and strengthened this structure. The treatment was precise and within a week the pain was dramatically reduced. 6 months of agony was reversed 4 weeks and he returned to a normal active lifestyle.
“I am very happy I came for a second opinion to QI and they could help me find a non-surgical solution to my problem. I am back to my optimistic, healthy self with almost 0 pain thanks to QI”, says Mr Ahuja.
Repeated research over many years has proven without a doubt that conservative treatment is essential when it comes to the spine. Surgery is required in less than 5% of these cases that are very severe and have a high degree of neurological involvement. Medical guidelines suggest that patients with predominant back pain coming from
degenerated discs, surgery should only be prescribed after medical/rehabilitative management options have been explored. The protocols formulated by the Qi Spine Research Academy followed by the Spine Specialists at Qi are the result of years of specialization, research and evidence-based practice in the complex structure we call the spine.
QI Back and Spine Clinic Locations – Bengaluru, Mumbai, Pune and Delhi
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