QI Spine Blog

How does exercise promote spine health and flexibility?

QI Spine Clinic, 2 years ago

Back pain is a widespread musculoskeletal ailment that affects a wide majority of people. It is estimated that out of all the back pain cases, more than 85% of them are because of unknown causes only diagnosed after undergoing imaging and other tests. Those with chronic back pain are advised to indulge themselves in exercises to strengthen the spine and make it more flexible. Physical activity and exercises are imperative to take off excess pressure on the spine. It is one of the non-invasive methods to treat a series of spine and back-related issues. Prolonged inactiveness multiplies the impact of back issues. In this article, we will be exploring how exercise for the spine can reduce back pain.

Promoting Spine Health Through Exercise

When it comes to rehabilitation of the spine, doctors recommend various exercise poses for spine flexibility, core strength, and stability that will help alleviate back pain. Of course, the efficacy of an exercise program depends on a lot of factors such as your current health condition, medical history, lifestyle, diet as well as certain internal and external factors. Let’s check out some general benefits of exercise.

Increased Core Strength

You might have heard about strengthening the core. What exactly do we mean by core? Your core is made up of the abdomen, lower back, hips, and pelvis. It is the central part of the body that requires utmost importance. In the case of a weak core, the back muscles tend to overwork and this leads to fatigue and even injuries to the back. Since the core acts as an anchor to the spine, it’s crucial to work on it to strengthen it and that’s where exercises come into play.

Certain exercises and workouts target specific core muscles acting on them. As a result, these muscles receive more blood flow helps them work efficiently and in harmony. It takes away the excess pressure that the spine and back muscles are going through making sure that your back is less probable  to take on any injuries. You can expect better balance and stability. Additionally, strong core muscles make it easier to do physical activities thanks to improved resilience to fatigue, injuries, and better endurance.

Unlock Burst of Natural Endorphins

According to a study  on non-chronic lower back pain (NCLBP), aerobic exercises can benefit patients by increasing the blood flow that helps in the healing process. The body starts producing endorphins after 30-40 minutes of aerobic exercises that help decrease the perception of pain. Aerobic exercises have other benefits as well such as a reduction in disability and fear of movement among others.

Increase Blood Circulation

When done in a controlled manner, exercise benefits are limitless. One such reason why you must do it is for back strength as it increases blood circulation around the spine. The heart starts pumping nutrient-rich blood across the body. The spine gets its share of blood flow too; it reaches the spinal cord, nerve roots, ligaments, and discs among others. It has several positive impacts on the spine such as speedy healing.

Enhanced Flexibility

Stretches and exercises aren’t just good for core strength and stability but for spine flexibility as well. Various exercise poses for spine flexibility can help your spine do the daily physical work and movements without putting excessive strain. It diminishes the magnitude of muscle fatigue and the potential for injuries. It also alleviates stiffness and enhances mobility.

Exercises for the Spine

Being at a stationary or resting position for a long time can escalate the pain and back stiffness which makes the spine less stable. It’s important to make the spine stable and flexible to allow a full range of movements and that’s where these exercises play a vital role.

Knee-to-chest Stretch

This particular exercise helps elongate the spine and reduce lower back pain.

  •  Lie flat on your back, bend the knees keeping the feet flat on the floor.

  • Next, pull one knee towards your chest using your hands as a strap and gently apply pressure for five seconds.

  • Keep the spine pressed to the floor. Gently release the position and repeat with the other knee and repeat it multiple times.


  • To perform a curl-up, lie flat on your back and extend one leg.

  • Next, bend the knee of the other leg so that the foot is flat on the floor.

  • Take your hand and put it under the lower back thereby supporting the natural spinal arch.

  • Now, exhale and simultaneously try to lift your head, shoulder, and chest off the floor which will extend pressure on the stomach muscles. Hold the position for 10 seconds. Try not to bend your lower back, tilt your head back or tuck your chin during the exercise.

  • Repeat the same 5-10 times by switching leg positions.

Rotational Stretch

This exercise gently strengthens your core muscles taking off excess tension from the back. Here’s how to do it –

  • Lie on your back.

  • Next, you need to bend your knees while keeping your feet flat on the floor.

  • Stretch both of your arms out to the extremities keeping the shoulders firmly on the floor. The arms should be perpendicular to the entire body.

  • Now, gently roll the lower body towards one side. For instance, roll your lower body towards the left keeping the right arm stretched outright. You can use your left arm to apply pressure on the knees when they are rolling toward the left.

  • Next, you need to hold that position for ten seconds and then release.

  • Repeat the same for the right side while keeping the left arm stretched and applying pressure using the right arm.

  • Perform several reps.

Wrapping Up!

Too much or too little physical activity such as exercise for back strength may be inadequate and might affect it adversely. A specialist can help you get the right dosage of exercise and different poses for spine flexibility. You can reach out to QI Spine Clinic at 086558 85566 to book an appointment and know how you can reduce your back pain using safe and non-invasive methods.

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