QI Spine Blog

How Can Stretching Improve Spine Flexibility?

QI Spine Clinic, 2 years ago

Imagine yourself as a 10-year-old kid you used to be. You were hyperactive, restless, always full of energy, and ready to put on any strenuous activities such as cricket or football at the first chance you get. Cut to now, you have a sedentary lifestyle going to the office, coming back home, sleeping, and repeating. You think you might pull a muscle if you try to jog or play games like cricket all of a sudden. Turns out that stretching regularly is important for your health. Prolonged inactivity can lead to chronic issues including back pain. You might lose the ability to perform a full range of motions and that opens up a floodgate for issues.

However, there’s still time. Experts suggest stretching can help improve spine flexibility and overall health. There’s a common misconception that only gymnasts and athletes stretch to excel in their field, however, it’s not true at all. You must do stretches to reduce muscle strain and destress them as well as achieve optimum range of motion. Let’s get a bit deeper into the topic to get a better understanding.

How Can Stretches Improve Spine Flexibility?

Your body is more complex than you can ever comprehend. The muscles work in tandem with other structures such as bones to allow movements. When you do stretches, the muscles elongate and that gives them flexibility and strength to perform tasks. Consider you are sitting on a chair for a long time. In the event of sudden motion, you might pull your hamstring which triggers a shooting pain.

Another example would be sitting on a bike as a pillion where you need to stretch your legs to board the bike. Additionally, the situation is dire when muscles are called for sudden or strenuous activities. Without stretching, the muscles become weak and tight, inhibiting them from achieving a full range of motion and can trigger joint pain as well.

Stretching exercise for the spine works like a charm as it helps the muscles stretch, elongate and lengthen. It reduces muscle strain and promotes flexibility and support to perform strenuous tasks. Regular stretching is crucial for spine flexibility as it keeps the muscles lean and strong and less susceptible to forces and stress put on during any activities. No wonder why you were hyperactive at 10 years old compared to today, right?

Stretching Exercises for the Spine

Let’s look at some of the exercises that you could use for improving spinal flexibility.

Cat-Cow Pose

The Cat-Cow Pose activates the spine, shoulders, neck, back, and surrounding muscles which makes it a must-do exercise for spine flexibility.

  • Start by kneeling on your knees keeping it below the hips while hands should be below the shoulder (see pic).

  • Keep the back straight and neck in a neutral position.

  • Next, exhale and push your stomach downwards akin to a cow where the back is arched downwards keeping both hips and shoulders in their original positions.

  • Next up, inhale and push the spine upwards wherein the spine is arched akin to a cat.

  • Repeat this exercise several times.

Knee-to-Chest Stretch

This is another stretch that lengthens the lower back muscles helping it relax and improve spine health.

  • Lie on your back.

  • Bring both of your knees towards your chest and use your arms to wrap around it holding the upper shins.

  • Next, gently squeeze the knees inwards pulling them closer to the chest, and hold the position for about 15 seconds.

  • Release and repeat.

Child’s Pose

It is a yoga position that targets the lower back as well.

  • First up, lie on the floor back up similar to how you can plank or a push-up position.

  • Feet, knees, and hands should be on the ground while you lift the rest of the body backward whereby the hands stretch as well. In order words, try to move back and sit on the legs without moving your hands, knees, and feet off the ground.

  • This lengthens the spine and muscles around it but ensures you aren’t overstretching.

  • Once you reach the position as in the image above, hold it for 20 seconds and release it.

  • Repeat it a few times.

Bird Dog

This one is exciting as you get to do a lot while relieving excess tension and building core targeting the lower back.

  • First, start by placing your hands and knees on the floor as if you are doing push-ups with the knees on the floor. The hands should be under the shoulders while the hips go under the knees as seen in the image above.

  • Next, tighten your abdominal muscles and extend your left leg straight out while extending your right hand (opposite) straight out.

  • Hold the position for 15 seconds while tightening the muscles.

  • Release and do the opposite aka right leg and left hand and continue holding for 15 seconds.

  • Release and repeat.

Thing To Keep In Mind Before Stretching

Stretching is good for your overall health but you need to keep certain things in mind.

  • Wear comfortable clothes whenever you are getting ready for exercise and stretching. It won’t constrict your movements

  • Stretch one side of the body before proceeding to the other side

  • Don’t force your body to be in a difficult or painful position

  • Hold stretches for a longer duration i.e. 15 to 30 seconds, allowing the targeted muscles to lengthen and destress

  • Stretch but slowly to avoid putting strain on the muscles

  • Repeat every stretch 2 to 5 times for better results


Stretching is an effective back pain treatment as it brings better flexibility to the spine and yet, people might mess it up if not done correctly. Stretches target specific muscles or regions which means if you are doing it wrong, it might not even work. Additionally, you must initiate stretching with a lower intensity gradually increasing as your body gets used to it.

A qualified healthcare professional can assist you with a tailored stretching program that works specifically for you. Book an appointment with QI Spine Clinic, India’s first spine rehabilitation clinic, at 086558 85566 to talk to a specialist for a personalized stretching program that gives your spine a new lease of life.

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